Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cody WY Day 2

Safari. I nervous about seeing buffalo in the wild. The road was gorgeous. 

Suddenly Howard pointed at something. It was wild rocky mountain sheep.

J walking is common there. 

I tried to join their brunch but i didn't like their menu.

Amazing climbing skills. 

A beauty.

They were wondering if i could climb too. I couldn't because i have smashed thumb. 

Howard was searching for buffalo everywhere. 

He was a little concerned about not finding them because his reputation was at stake. 

Meanwhile i was practicing for the world figure skating championship.


Austria - 2.5 
England - 2.0 
Mountain Sheep - 9.8 
Fish - go back to the piano, loser!

That wasn't a good sign. I guess no buffalo and ... no gold medal for skating either.

Back to Cody. 

Since i had my own ride 

i went to the world famous Cody museum by myself and found fake buffalo there. Not the same, man! 

This particular exposition turned my stomach upside down. Couldn't help it. No ofence to anybody. Its just me. My mind was going 1000 mph about life, beauty, power, ego etc. 

All i could see it was death. 

The next expo was more cheerful

Who is next in the middle?

maybe this one?

I drove to the old western town. Needed some time to chill. 

and to walk.

Unfortunately saloon was closed so i went to the hotel to rest and ...

to get ready for the japanese dinner with Howard and Joane. It was very nice dinner. Lots of sashimi and sake. Then we went to concert to the neighboring town to hear their local pianist who is a piano teacher at their college. I always need more fire. Its my curse. 

The evening was almost done until i had this desire to have a beer. Well that was a great desire because it lead me to the most authentic cowboy bar in Cody. There was a live band


hot situations, and ...

steamy moments.

By the way i was dragged by force on the dance floor by a cowgirl and danced one dance. I told her that i don't dance 2 step country stuff. She replied "just stand there and i will do the dancing". Since i used to dance salsa and swing i transfered my skills into 2 step and faked the rest in order no to be a complete stump on the dance floor. Everybody starred at me and i tried to look natural.  Since i made some connections i was safe (even with my pink shirt).

Among my new friends there was a guy and his girlfriend 

who is (later i found out) an owner of the main hotel in town. Everyone in the bar had big respect for them and i was just hanging out with them without knowing that. It was cool to mingle with elite of Cody. By the way i got a free breakfast invitation to the restaurant of their hotel. I'm going! Will be fun!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Cody WY Day 1

Today my goal was to reach Cody WY alive. I slept only 1 hour and traveled 8 hours from Texas. Cody is tough place to reach because the flights are very complicated. The airplane i took from Denver was like ... Donald-Trump-went-broke airplane. There was 12 of us and we occupied almost all seats. The exterior was peeling off and there was no sink in the bathroom. The best was: the front seat passengers were asked to occupy back seats in order that  airplane could take off better. Everyone was making friends like if it was their last trip. I did too and i think i will see them at my concert on Sunday. 

I will stay in Cody for 3 days. The Cody concert association showed an incredible hospitality. They covered expenses of my hotel (suite with jacuzzi). Second, when Howard and Joane brought me to the hotel ... they pointed at Mercedes SUV and told me that it was for me to use it while i stay here. That's unheard!!! Now i will roll in Cody with class, ha ha ha

Then they took me to the Cody downtown which is just one street with wild west buildings around. 

"Kick ass cowboy cuisine" had not only the atmosphere but also great food. 

Howard had everything planned for me ; ) At night i had to be ready to go to another restaurant 

where the food was to die for and Bloody Marie fit the world standards. Howard obviously liked his second Margarita too. 

Joane went home and we with Howard finished the night at the famous "Bottoms up" bar.

Tomorrow Howard is taking me to the wild animal safari, then Cody museum and Sushi diner. Can't wait!  

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Harlingen TX

Harlingen is a weird place. It is on the coast of the Gulf. Mexico is 15 min away. It was 75F while the whole country is snowed in or destroyed by the rains (like my house in Cal). Also there are almost no Texans. Everybody is from somewhere else. It is a winter escape for the cold state or canada residents. More variety for my audience. Since i didn't rent a car i took a taxi to the famous mexican restaurant. My driver was Amadeo (almost Mozart). He asked where are my chicas? I told him "i have one chica in Cal but on monday ... i should have two!" I had the best Tex Mex food. The service was the highest class. Not some dozed out student punks. Everyone took their job seriously.  The food was divine. Amadeo came to pick me up again. He already knew everything about my chicas. So we talked about his life in Texas.  

Next day i had rides from the concert association members. First one was a couple from Wisconsin  who took me to the authentic Texan BBQ place. That was true Texas. 

The ice tea here comes in gallons

They don't bother to cut chickens either. Just slap the whole thing on the grill and get'eeeeeeer doooooone. 

Incredible! I finished everything without any guilt. 

The second ride was Lois. We both agreed that she looked like mafia with those glasses. We had a drive-by Starbucks ritual and then she took me to the venue. 

The 1200 seat venue was full.   

I was nervous because it had video projection on the sides so i had to stay away from weird facial expressions.  

Since i was the only cowboy there

i gave them a good country show as well. 


Tomorrow @ 5:30 am leaving for Cody WY. Can't wait for the snow and the mountains. 

Baltimore MD

I had plans to hear some band in the city. On the way she (?) tried to get me into the non- happening karaoke bar at my hotel. I had dinner and band plans with Ryan from Central Coast California.  

So much for the bands for me on my night. I got sucked into the debates about my favorite subjects: public policy, dictatorship, socialism, education, bureaucracy, rep vs. demo, public service and all kinds of discriminations. I think that Ryan and Kylie don't see eye to eye on some issues  

although she's sooooooooo in love with him and he ... likes it. 

Arnold was a funny dude (next to me, not in the middle). It was 38F and he was only in shirt. Reason????????? Idea is stronger than death!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Seaford DE

I am tired. Today was the hardest day. It started at 7 am by flying to Baltimore, renting car, driving to Delaware and then playing a concert at 8 pm. I don't mind the challenge except i get very impatient and start losing my brain which i need so much. 

At the Raleigh airport there was a long line to shine the shoes.  


A moody bridge to Delaware.

Just a thought

The gap in the sky. 

A drama form the window of my hotel. 

During the concert this place was full with very responsive audience. Great feeling when 1200 people having fun at your show.  

However the pre show was a disaster. I was loosing my marbles. I had to go two times back to the hotel because my creative packing of the luggage messed up all my system and i was missing instruments for my show (not the piano). I was going crazy and  ... drinking coffee. During the concert i was on fire and had great energy. Everybody had fun. I could hear it. I didn't know that i had so much energy left after the such a crazy day. Yes, it was an adrenaline! 

With the light'n'sound dudes

The evening ended at the bar in Applebee's. I was the only costumer. Bartender Kay kept me company with her chat. She doesn't like to do anything on the weekends. Just to stay at home and have beers. Tomorrow is Tuesday. My 2 days off. I am going to Baltimore and spend them there. Gonna go out and listen some more bands before leaving for Texas and Wyoming.