Friday, May 7, 2010

The Last Word

I'm home!

With my girls!

I finished my tour doing radio interviews for the talk shows,

underground stations,

and for the most popular ones

where i ended with a lot of conviction.

"Is this my daddy?"

I am done! It was one of those things when you think "how am i going to do that?". Here i am at home in one piece and ... only with one speeding ticket. One of my main goals was not to get sick or not to fall ... off the stage. None of the shows were cancelled. I am very proud of it.

The experience was unbelievable both on the stage and on the road. I gained skills that you would never learn from the books or at the self-improvement workshops. Today i can speak or "wing it" in front of thousands of people without problem. Maybe i should run for the President and compete with Sarah Palin in the next elections? She can shoot but i can play ; )

The memories from the towns and the cities are still foggy. Too much info in my hard drive. Only my blog could help me to remember. I know that i will be reading my blog and wondering if i was really there and if i was really doing those silly moves?

Seeing the country and meeting the people was the most valuable and unique experiences in my life. Its funny that today when i meet people from Globe AZ or Midland TX their eyes pop out when i say that i was there and i know where it is.

Another perk of such an intense tour was the break time. When i was home i was resting like there is no tomorrow. Yeah, i pushed the limits of indulgence.

Now i am at home with 3 month old Sofia (who was born while i was on the road) and Lily doing the same. My best team.

We are catching up on dinners with friends and late night parties. Yes, Sofia too! She needs to learn if she is planning to live in my house ; )

Now i am already rehearsing for my next projects which will have totally different flavor. In order for me to live in full i need to change. I constantly need to reinvent myself. I am on the highest point in my life. Now i have it all but ... i want more ; )

See you in a different zone,
