Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baker City OR

What a torture was to wake up! We had to get on the road in order to make to our shows in Baker City OR. Long drive. I knew that we will have to drive through the desert. We were scared of boredom however we couldn't avoid it. 

I tried to entertain my raodie but ... it was too early and each time i would get this

I got the message and went to sleep. I was awaken by the classic rock tunes. Keeth was totally in trance ... playing air guitar. I guess we all share the same opinions about air guitars. In order for him not to look so pathetic strangely i had a guitar pick in my pocket and gave to him. After that he sounded much better. 

Then i was very impressed with the drumming skills. 

All of the sudden appeared mountains and cows and i knew that the boredom and the air concert will come to an end. Finally!

Our next 2 destinations. Today - Baker, tomorrow - Ontario.

Here we are

and here is our motel 

Maggie took care of our linens. She delivered them to us in no time
but there was a little disagreement with one costumer

Maggie won the dispute. Time for pagan rituals.

We had really good lunch at the place where only locals eat. Keeth asked me not to photograph because were getting a lot of looks. That was a good idea. We made it and went to give a concert for high schoolers. It went great. Here is post concert discussions

The evening concert had a different feel then our last concerts even the size of the dressing room door was different. Luckily i watch what i eat.

Time to rock out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Count Dracula

not anymore ; )

Before our hard day was over we had one more show. I loved them!

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