Tuesday, September 22, 2009

3 states in one day

What a day! It started that we finally made to our hotel's breakfast. We felt like champions although we didn't look like them. At the cereal dispenser those 2 kids were disrupting the serene morning atmosphere with: "i wanna that cereal, i wanna that cereal, i wanna that cereal" etc.  That noise was quickly silenced when i told them that all of these cereals are M-I-N-E. Their mom got the joke but the kids took very seriously. You still can see that in their faces ; )

Then Carmen showed up (not from Bizet's opera). The kitchen worker. She almost demanded for my CD. I didn't have a choice but to abide her command. She has 5 children and hard working cowboy at home. That made her happy (also receptionist).

Filling up before the long trip through 3 states (Montana, Idaho, Washington). (How cliche is K's position)

In front of us were many adventures.

In the middle of Montana there was a drive through coffee stand with coffee, plenty of bagels, extremely sweet italian soda and very nice lady inside. Here K went wild ordering delicious snacks for us. 

While i was taking this pic i heard a true cowboys voice from somewhere: "what are you taking those pictures for?". I froze (just like those kids at the cereal this morning). I thought that my (?) will be kicked since i am in a very rural Montana's territory.  Plus with an accent! I obediently replied with nervous smile that it was for myself. After that i almost had to fill out an immigration form: where i am from and what do i do here. Finally it was just international curiosity of the local guy. In fact he was very sweet.

We needed time for relaxation from driving and intense communication. I decided to get a cold stone massage, very popular among the local indian tribes of this area.

while Keeth was getting his glamour shots

We both were very content with the results

We needed to get going because there was more than half of the trip in front of us.

These are the actual places where the first adventurers went to look for gold in 1804.

Finally the Idaho border. Customs were very easy.

All of a sudden in WA there was a dramatic change of landscape.

and Keeth's behaviour

It was very emotional to touch the ground of our hotel. We didn't kiss it because ... there was no elevator.

However we took a romantic walk along the Columbia river with my road manager right behind our hotel. 

He was wondering if we were portraying the right image. I didn't care i was just happy to not to be in the car.

After that i went to the gym. K went to the swimming pool. Later than healthy dinner and now we toast you Good Nite! 

1 comment:

  1. drive thru coffee: signature montana

    cold stone pic made me laugh. :)
