Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sioux Falls SD

the drive to Sioux Falls killed us. NINE HOURS!!! It was very flat and the food that we got on the way was horrible and didn't contribute to our beauty lines.

The worst thing was that Keeth was getting sick. Not only his condition worried me but also the business part of the tour which was in his hands. That day i was on my own. It was a pity that he couldn't see the hall in Sioux Falls. It was incredible.

The piano sounded great in there. Before the concert i was looking for food but everything was closed on Sunday afternoon. I mean everything. It was only me and the sounds of my cowboy boots in downtown. Finally i saw a mexican restaurant with 3 cars in front of it. The door was locked but i could see some people inside. They opened the door and told me that the restaurant is getting ready for the opening in 2 days. I explained that in 2 days i might be dead and not hungry anymore so ... they invited me inside and offered me enchiladas. While they were decorating we talked up a storm. In 40 min we were the best friends in South Dakota. I was their first costumer.
We hugged and i left on my ventures. The concert went really well. This amazing hall was almost full. The people are really dedicated to their concerts. After, we had a nice dinner at the restaurant and i went to look for meds for Keeth. He was dying and i was scared.   

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rudolf thanxs for stopping by...will soon have ur pix for display on the wall for being our first customer. Have Good Luck on your tour across the U.S Thanks alot!
