Sunday, October 4, 2009

Worland WY

Worland. Sunday. Bad hair day. Breakfast. Ready for nap. 

We didn't get the room service this morning but Keeth for sure took advantage of the situation and got us the fresh towels. I still don't know where he got them. He is the best. Just look at his sweet face 

Post breakfast nap till 1 pm and time for the show! The concert today was at 3 pm. Not awake yet.

Slowly got into the groove

Had a great rehearsal!

Coffee takes me where i need to be. In the fast lane, babe! 

Today it was raining all day. We didn't see any people in streets. We were wondering who will come to the concert but we had a good crowd.  

The hall was new and modern

Acoustics were great. I could take it easy and enjoy without forcing the piano. 

After the show went back to work to the hotel: to get ready for tomorrow's morning show, 6 hour drive and other million errands. All we dreamed about was cold beer. When we got to the bar ... it was closed. Everything in this town was closed at 8 pm. I panicked but Keeth solved the situation. He found us the most shady bar in the dark alley that we hesitated to enter. We were brave. That was a very anthropological experience. We rewarded ourselves with canned tuna and Fat Tire dinner. Fan-cy!!!!!! 

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