Monday, February 1, 2010

Cody WY Day 3

The day of the concert. I had a big obligation to give the best entertainment to the people of Cody. I always do but this time i was very conscious about it. They were so good to me. Their hospitality provided me the best accommodations i could imagine. The piano was exceptional. Concert Grand Steinway in excellent shape. Big and rich sound. There was a little buzz inside so tuner went to look for it.  

I was very excited. The theme of the concert was Tux and Tennies. A perfect occasion for me to fool around. That was Howard's idea. 

I couldn't believe how international audience was there. International? In Cody WY? An audience from Poland.

from deep Russia

from Korea

(picture didn't come out)

I loved my sound engineer Sharon

Afterwards a group of us went to the very nice BBQ restaurant were we met a lot of my audience. Small town has lots of perks. But where are they when you need  them? Sh...!

Next morning was the children concert but before that i wanted to say good bye to Howard and Joane by inviting them for breakfast. I chose Irma hotel which was a real cowboy hang out place in eighteen hundreds. Buffalo Bill built it for his daughter Irma. This hotel is very historic with great coat/hat hangers  

and the famous redwood bar.  Can you see me there?

I actually was invited to have breakfast there by the owners Kim and Mike (see Cody day 1 cowboy bar)  whom i met at the cowboy dancing bar 2 days ago. It was funny because Howard knew them and had some business together.

He was so surprised to see when Kim came downstairs. They don't look like strangers to me.

Kim and i plotted to surprise Howard that morning. We three + Joane (came later) had a great time. The breakfast was on the hotel. It was so nice of Kim. That's what happens when you go to the bar in small town and make friends ; ) 

On the way out there were 2 customers.  

One of them was having a cigarette and the other one ... 

I played my last concert for the children of Cody and left. I had 3 hours of lay over at the Salt Lake airport which had great views.

At home the table was ready. Lily's family cooked a great dinner for my coming.

Next day was for chilling out. My managers Elisabeth and Mark came over. 

Girls were chatting outside  

guys talking about their toys

my niece Caterina was choosing her outfit for the day 

somebody had lots of business that morning

Well, we all are waiting for more participant to come to this world. When? I have only 5 days at home  before i leave on the road again. Sofia, stop playing games with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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