Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Meeting My Daughter

I was nervous all day long. Unlike me i left to the airport very early in order not to miss the plane. I was there 2 hours before my flight (like a big nerd) but the airport was empty. 

I am going home to meet my daughter who is 5 days old. My flight will be 10 hours. That's what you get when you live in the "boonies". I felt good but ... nervous because Sofia was very excited to meet her daddy for the first time.

Next morning i had to take some lessons from pros.

All of this for me was very foreign. 

Hey, no flirting!

Its my turn.

I had some suggestions  directly form the client as well.

Finally it was time to rest.

My work was evaluated by the committee consisting of women only. There were long debates before my work was approved satisfactory. 

At the gala concert the Chair of the committee performed "Purple Haze" by Jimmy Hendrix


  1. Oh my, Sofia is BEAUTIFUL!!! Congratulations!
    Sharon in Lexington, MO

  2. beautiful, beautiful! Congratulations from Midland, Texas!

  3. It’s time too drink a good Spanish cava.
    I am also happy to see Brunhilda on a pic.

  4. "there's no place like home"
    she looks perfect. Now your real job in life begins! No such thing as too many hugs and kisses. Peace and Love from Mt Dora (really loved the Hendrix blankie)

  5. She's GORGEOUS! We can't wait to meet her.

  6. Congratulations Rudolf and Liliana. Give Sofia a hug and kiss from me!

  7. Rudolfai, Dukrytė tiesiog Dieviška - The Little Princess of the Magical Kingdom of Whites Unicorns and Fairies...Let Sofia be The Princess All Her Life!..(In the Heart especially...)

    Tegu Tavo Dukrytę visada lydi Viešpaties Dievo Tverėjo Palaimos Šviesa bei Globa!.

    From All Sacred Space of my Heart - Dalia M.
