Monday, December 14, 2009




Saturday, December 5, 2009

Baltimore MD

WARNING!!! Don't read this if you are tired! It might cause dizziness, nausea or mental itchiness. Ask to your doctor about this blog.

The trip to Baltimore couldn't be stressful. It started with the 3 hour drive from Sunnyside to Seattle to catch my plain. I arrived to car rental 50 min before my flight. In these 50 min i had 

- to return the car
- to take the shuttle to the airport
- to check in the luggage
- to go through the security 
- and to get to the gate. 

I am a Superman! I made it to the airplane 5 min before the take off. 

On the plain i was sitting in between the girl from Memphis  

and the guy from New Orleans.

We had the best discussions about Snoop Dogg, P Diddy, the blacks in America, their education and their place in society. I was very excited to hear from black southern guy how motivated and passionate he is about becoming an educator and his determination to make a difference for impoverished black America. I asked what was the turning point in his life. His answer was - traveling. He was sent by military to Germany and Bosnia. I don't think that Afghanistan would have the same effect.

It was a lot of fun with my both "costumers". Poor girl! I "pushed her buttons" without mercy. It was just too much fun because she was such a traditional southern girl and i needed to kill the time ; ) I am bad. At the end of our trip i was shocked because i think she even liked me. 

We couldn't say proper good byes to each other because i thought that Delta lost my carry on bag with

- tuxedo
- tuxedo shoes (more expensive than tuxedo)
- Nikon camera
- CDs
- the hard drive with all my life in it

i had 30 min before my next flight. Nobody knew where was my bag. I exited security, checked the baggage claim without results and came back through the security. The return of the Superman! Although i was loosing my cool. I was back in my next airplane 1 min before the take off. I took the best free seat and had a most nerve wracking flight. I really didn't want to play concerts in jeans and T shirt. The only hope was that my bag will arrive with the rest of the luggage. Guess what! It was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to kiss it, to hug it and to introduce it to everybody who were waiting for their luggage. Everyone thought that i was a weird cowboy.

I got to my hotel at 12 am mentally and physically exhausted. I sat for a minute, took a breath

and went out. I didn't eat all day long. Baltimore was just beginning the life. At the blues club i made friends with the guitarist guy

and when they closed the club he took me to another one where the beer and action was. The old guys were playing classic rock songs. They sounded really great!      

But they closed that club too and it was the time for me to go back to the hotel. Tomorrow i am coming there back. I have one more day off.  ha ha ha

Sunnyside WA

In the morning i was very tired. Not enough sleep (as always). The coffee at the hotel was horrible however when i saw this ... i woke up right away.

This was a new car window design. It helped me not-to-see the road to the children's concert. It was awesome.

It always takes long time for them to get seated. I use that time to observe them and to plan my strategies which usually i have to change during the show anyway. 

Before the night show i was not in the mood to talk to anybody except 

to the sound guy who was very intelligent and creative hombre. 

Before the show we tried to figure out which "one" should go on the stage.

The concert went well and after i was invited to the reception. Once my german RIP friend told me that if you want to have a conversation at the dinner table there shouldn't be more than 8 people . So we were 8. 

It was great until i was asked to show a photo of my wife. Not Again!!!  ......"you don't ??? ...... no picture of your wife ???" I am not in the damn war!!! I have Skype! Helooooooooooo! Also i hate this artificial and cliche picture bragging. I would rather talk about why do i love my wife but... nobody EVER asked me that. We dropped that subject and went on with patriotic and soviet discussions. For me the highlight of the dinner was when everybody left and i stayed for the "americana" part. 

That was my bluegrass harmonica debut. When i left i felt more american than after the citizenship swearing ceremony. At the end of our evening the host (banjo virtuoso) told me something that really moved me and made me very proud (not for blog, it would be too much bragging and too many people would be jealous). I returned the hotel and went to sleep very late.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanxgiving Break

It was soooooooo great to reconnect during the Thanxgiving break.

Somebody looked full even before the Thanxgiving dinner

Was THIS the highlight of the dinner?

or THIS?

no. It was THIS ...

Oliver's party. He sure knows how to throw ... parties and is very photogenic too.

Also the best of my visit home was my "home coming" party at the house of my managers. Elisabeth and Mark are the best! Its impossible to catch E on camera. Mark is better (when he doesn't look). 

I was put on the spot. I have no idea what i was saying. Californian wine does magic stuff.

My friend catholic priest went along with the flow except he knew what he was saying (as always).

Lots of people, catered food, limitless wine and gorgeous sunset. 

My friend Marco loves me. He drove from LA for the party. Tibest drove from Ethiopia

but i guess they came for the  ... after party. 

With Marco there are no dull moments. At the parties he always wants to play piano. Thats nice but ... what my neighbors will think? I guess they already know that i have that playing visitor.

After that everybody left, Lily went back to LA. All the fun died out. Its time to work. Back on the road to the state of Washington and Pennsylvania. I flew in very late to Seattle (that's why no pics), rented a car and drove to Sunnyside for 3 hours. Guess what! Its 22F in here. I like it! and also i like to blog with you!

This is so classy maaaaaaan!