Saturday, December 5, 2009

Baltimore MD

WARNING!!! Don't read this if you are tired! It might cause dizziness, nausea or mental itchiness. Ask to your doctor about this blog.

The trip to Baltimore couldn't be stressful. It started with the 3 hour drive from Sunnyside to Seattle to catch my plain. I arrived to car rental 50 min before my flight. In these 50 min i had 

- to return the car
- to take the shuttle to the airport
- to check in the luggage
- to go through the security 
- and to get to the gate. 

I am a Superman! I made it to the airplane 5 min before the take off. 

On the plain i was sitting in between the girl from Memphis  

and the guy from New Orleans.

We had the best discussions about Snoop Dogg, P Diddy, the blacks in America, their education and their place in society. I was very excited to hear from black southern guy how motivated and passionate he is about becoming an educator and his determination to make a difference for impoverished black America. I asked what was the turning point in his life. His answer was - traveling. He was sent by military to Germany and Bosnia. I don't think that Afghanistan would have the same effect.

It was a lot of fun with my both "costumers". Poor girl! I "pushed her buttons" without mercy. It was just too much fun because she was such a traditional southern girl and i needed to kill the time ; ) I am bad. At the end of our trip i was shocked because i think she even liked me. 

We couldn't say proper good byes to each other because i thought that Delta lost my carry on bag with

- tuxedo
- tuxedo shoes (more expensive than tuxedo)
- Nikon camera
- CDs
- the hard drive with all my life in it

i had 30 min before my next flight. Nobody knew where was my bag. I exited security, checked the baggage claim without results and came back through the security. The return of the Superman! Although i was loosing my cool. I was back in my next airplane 1 min before the take off. I took the best free seat and had a most nerve wracking flight. I really didn't want to play concerts in jeans and T shirt. The only hope was that my bag will arrive with the rest of the luggage. Guess what! It was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to kiss it, to hug it and to introduce it to everybody who were waiting for their luggage. Everyone thought that i was a weird cowboy.

I got to my hotel at 12 am mentally and physically exhausted. I sat for a minute, took a breath

and went out. I didn't eat all day long. Baltimore was just beginning the life. At the blues club i made friends with the guitarist guy

and when they closed the club he took me to another one where the beer and action was. The old guys were playing classic rock songs. They sounded really great!      

But they closed that club too and it was the time for me to go back to the hotel. Tomorrow i am coming there back. I have one more day off.  ha ha ha

1 comment:

  1. Whew!! Your plane trip wore me out just reading it!! It reminded me of a number of years ago when my husband was in the army, and I flew to Tokyo to meet him. The pilots of the airline I was to fly to San Francisco on went on strike in the middle of the night - but no phone call to let me know!!! I walked into the airport thinking I had an hour to wait for my flight and was immediately rushed to the TWA (still in business then) counter. I checked in and ran as fast as I could out the ramp, sat down, and the plane moved as I was buckling in!!! No security to fool with back then, though. But - those are hair-raising situations to go through. Plus - I didn't know if my husband would be there to meet me. Would he know that the airline wasn't flying and think I wasn't coming? What would I do - couldn't speak a word of Japanese. I decided I would just sit down and wait. (No cell phones and laptops, etc. back then - the dinosaur days!). Well, he was there hoping that I had connected with another airlines.
    What a relief to hear your luggage made it! Your trips are so interesting to read about. Keep the blogs coming.
    Winter has arrived here - a big storm coming in across Kansas into MO tonight and tomorrow. Sounds like you love cold weather.
    Sharon in Lexington, MO.
