Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bryan OH

After the travels during the night we didn't have much time to rest because next morning i had to play a concert for the high school students. I wasn' feeling very glamorous. It started with the picture taking from the news paper. That didn't help me either because there was a lot of positioning and posing envolved. However it wasn't that bad and it came out good even if i didn't have time to connect to the posing students.

When i started my show i got energized as always. I started it on the stage

Then i found myself down the stage dancing with one of the high school girls. Ready ... 

... go! and stop pulling my hand.

The evening show started with warm up act ... by Keeth. It looked pretty cold ... but

finally mysterious Egyptian rhythms lured the Ohio audience in and i started the show. That evening i was expecting very special guests who drove from Indiana: my brother in law Todd (he drove from Chicago), his parents, and his frien Kurt with his wife. That really helped me to put more spice and to show off even more ; ) The show went really well. It was almost sold out and very responsive crowd. I love Ohio audiences! During the intermission i was very dehydrated.

After the show our plan was to go and have beer with family. They are real party animals! Everything was closed of course but we found one opened i got there first. I was dressed in my tux and wore my famous hat. Well that really scared the restaurant workers. When i got there they told me that the place is closing in 20 min. I told them that i am bringing the big crowd for the party and the dance on the tables. They freeked out! The hat, the tux and the accent made me look very suspicious. They wanted to get rid of me ASAP but my family arrived. They had normal accents and didn't look like table dancers so we were seated and had great time.

Todd was telling jokes but they didn't work on me.

However i found somebody there who understood me well.

Although halloween treats are not easy. Its all about the moment.

The best was the transformation of the waitress who was scared of me. She not only served us beers and fried cheese but also took great pictures of us. Good job ma'am!

Then we told our good byes and went on our ways to count ... what the evening was worth...

... in CDs of course, you twisted mind!.

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