Sunday, November 22, 2009

Livingston TX

The last concert in Texas. We arrived there 2 hours before the show. I liked the atmosphere at the venue. The teenagers that ran the place were very amusing. There was one in the back stage with me all the time. He was the smartest kid. His language was very eloquent and he had very interesting points on every subject. I got involved in our conversation so much that i forgot it was time for me start the show. Ok! Are y'all ready?

We had a great turn out but the audience was completely different from the night before. Maybe they needed more time to get use to my accent? Who knows?

Next day we left on the road for Louisiana. The nature of East Texas was very green and lush 

and there ... i found a great property. I got on the phone with my real estate agent right away. 

I think i would look great on  this front porch but i didn't know about those giant mosquitos which attacked us non stop.

We proceeded on our trip. Louisiana was looking great from the far

but when we arrived there... ahhhhhhhh. I am too hungry now.


  1. Hi Rudolf,
    I'm Sharon from Lexington, MO,and I've been following your blogs since you were here. Love your humor!
    Do you still think about Ruprecht, or - hmmm - Ruprechtina?? I looked in my teacher files, and he/she is a three-toed box turtle - 3 toes on the hind feet and 5 on the front feet. My info. says they eat insects, earthworms, and plant matter, so I'm sure he has plenty to eat.
    Also, my grandaughter, Ella, LOVES your CD!! We looked at you on You Tube. She really got a kick out of the Brunnhilde kitty story.
    Will continue to follow your travels.
    Enjoy you Thanksgiving break - and REST!!!!

  2. Rudolf...I have been checking up on you to make sure you aren't getting into too much trouble or having too much fun! ;)It has been great following your tour. It allows my mind to go on tour away from school. There are so many places I would like to see someday. I also love to read your blogs to get a laugh or two. School can get too dull and routine at times. Best of luck on the next few days and have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.

    p.s Love the hat!
