Thursday, November 12, 2009

Midland TX

We had to do 3 more hours to enjoy the road to Midland TX.

The town of George and Laura Bush. 

Today i had no expectations for anything as i promised to myself and it worked. Actually i took everything with pleasure and open mind. I really wanted to visit the home of President W Bush but didn't have time because my children were waiting. 

The crowd was quite small but they really energized me

I barely could keep up with them

At one point i thought they will eat me.

Great afternoon!!! I realized that 9-11 years old children are very natural and have enough intelligence to make things very interesting. They had the best questions and answers. The high schoolers never asked so many interesting questions like these little "brats" ; )

The night show went very smooth. 

I've seen more energetic crowds  but since i wasn't expecting anything, i enjoyed it and did all my best to entertain them. 

We sold a lot of CDs. 

At the reception Texan ladies scolded me for not having my wife's picture on me. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh! You don't go to Texas if you are married and don't have your wife's pics 24/7. But i had my hat on and that saved me ; )  


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed the show last night! If I could, I would be in Brownwood to listen to the show all over again! I have also been reading your blogs; how long have you been on the road with your show? Best wishes and enjoy the rest of your tour through Texas!

  2. hi rudolf
    my wife and i sat by you and your wife on the bus trip back to the hotel in nashville last year and we were very excited to get to book you for your midland trip.i guess our crowd may have seem subdued during your midland concert, but the comments at the break and afterwards were universally very positive from the large number of people i talked to. they loved you! you gave an excellent performance. randy and miriam
