Monday, November 2, 2009

Days off in Chicago

Chicago is a great city! I had the best time (with exception of few hours only). First,  i stayed in the middle of action of the city. Yesterday i had an incredible deep dish pizza at Gino's. After that i walked in the city and had drinks at the bars with live music. I miss walking and getting to places on foot. I don't care about the weather. You always can fight it with faster walk or stronger drink ; )

Today started downstairs of our hotel with the breakfast at the french bakery on Michigan ave. Good coffee and no small talk with waiters. Ahhhh, how nice. I like big city service: quick and no BS. Than i walked on Michigan ave, took lots of pictures, watched people and inhaled cosmopolitan environment. Well i should tell right now that big tragedy happened. There is no pictures from Chicago because ... i deleted them by mistake. I still hurt inside because i had the amazing shots throughout the whole day. I am very sad. Well, we will have to deal with my thoughts this time. Can you? Maybe some pics from internet.  

My next destination was the Art Institute. I wanted to go there because there was Caravaggio picture on tour from London. "The supper at Emmaus".

I am crazy about the art of Renaissance and Baroque. Being in museum is like meditating and reevaluating yourself in the context of the history. Also i liked there because i felt that i am surrounded by the same tribe who is interested in those things. It seemed that i related to every person there. We all came there to be inspired and to look for emotion and sensitivity. I miss this type of people. I think that emotion and expression is the most important element in human existence. Thats how we show our uniqueness. The skill means nothing. It can be acquired by anybody if you are not lazy bastard. Skill is only a tool. Even bears can learn how to roller skate. (I still can not get over the loss of my pics because i had shots of people, their reactions and body language at the museum. Damn!). Back to Caravaggio. In this picture is the moment when those 3 guys recognize resurrected Jesus. They didn't know with whom they were "throwing back some beers". The moment that they recognized JC they were shocked and their reactions cannot be transmitted in this photograph. Live painting is incredible!!! You can see also the halo which is only a shadow on the wall. Also the plate with fruits is so realistic that almost falling out of the picture. Its all about the light and realism. I love Caravaggio because he is never static. He seeks for reaction from you and his characters. We people are afraid to show our emotions because today it is translated as a weakness. That scares us because it is too unpredictable and requires creative ways of dealing with it.  It is always easier to talk about the weather and how cute is your niece. We always crave for stability and stability is ... DEATH. If Caravaggio was stable we would never talk about him after 400 years. 

I decided not to look at the names of the artists and stop only by the ones that attract me. It was funny. I stopped by El Greco, Rubens, Monet, Van Gogh (these 2), 

Dali, some weird belgian modernists. I didn't stop by Picasso. I went to see this painting in order that i could brag at the parties that i saw it.

It is very historic but didn't make an impression. BTW German guy took a funny pic of me next to this couple but ... pics are dead.
I loved this hall. This looked exactly like that because today was very sunny day in Chicago. Oh! how impressive and cool it was. 

Is this art? I don't care. It gives you an intense second in your life and you are recharged. All of it made my afternoon very meaningful. It was nice to be there because it constituted how limitless human is. People who went there were looking not for information ... but for adventure. I felt very happy among them.

After such an inspiring time i went to my hotel (which was across the street). That's when the "tragedy" of deleting pics happened. It was time to hunt for the dinner. After i passed 2 blocks i saw lots of people coming. That was the concert of Chicago Symphony. Well, i forgot about my hunger and got a ticket. It took me again to the different plato which is more familiar to me. I had so many thoughts about human communication as about a single instrument of the orchestra. Routine vs individuality. Very fine line. When do you cross it? When do you stop being perfect and join the other musician who is a little late and try to be together in crime? You think about it. I am going to sleep


  1. The USA imports all good culture and export only coke, Mc Donald and weapons.

  2. I enjoyed reading your insights about art, Caravaggio, stability, and death. There is nothing like a work of art that reaches inside you and grabs your heart.

    Randy G
