Thursday, March 11, 2010

Carlsbad NM

Where is Carlsbad? 

... and my venue?

... where is John Wayne when you need him?

Finally i found it and got a really horrible room at the hotel. I couldn't take it. I decided to go back to the front desk and to "shmooze". Guess what? It worked. They gave me a suite. It was much better. Since i am an excellent cook i pampered myself  with my made raviolis, salads, 

accompanied by Bud Light and ... and 0% fat yogurts for desert.

Since i had a day off i put a lot of miles on my pajamas and ... watched 4 movies back to back without shame. Now i know who is my favorite male actor. Finally!

Next morning i had a children concert at "un-godly hour" ... 9:30 am. I woke up and ran to the kids performance. Funny but I always make it ; ) 

I didn't know what to expect from the evening concert. I asked the flag what should i do?

and the flag said ... "loose your accent first". I desperately said "but this is the only thing that i have". After a long pause flag answered me "then go to your dressing room and everything will be OK". My dressing room looked like that.

I needed some  privacy in order to change. Here felt a little uncomfortable. 

the only place i found was ...there. 

Audiences have no idea what happens in the back stages. 


  1. Hi Rud:

    I spent a couple of days in out for the bat fligtht every evening from the caverns. Maybe you shoudl climb down the caverns too... wear your hat to protect from bat stuff.

