Sunday, March 14, 2010

Las Cruces NM

Since my arrival to New Mexico i noticed there is a strong traditions in architecture 

and paying attention to the details. 

My concert was at the Rio Grande theater.  

When i saw it i loved it instantly because of its folkloric style and extremely cosy feel.

The manager of the place David was very welcoming

and his crew was young and cool. We had a blast with together.

Sound check and the lights were done con gusto. Looks like ready to go ... not for the back flip.

The show was received with great enthusiasm. I felt at ease with this audience. Actually there was a Lithuanian gentleman among the audience. Gee! We are everywhere! He came and invited me to the dinner after the concert. We went to the most fancy restaurant in Mesilla (the suburb of Las Cruces) which used to be a capital of New Mexico. Previously this restaurant was a governors private residence later it was a place for political meetings between Republicans and Democrats (which sometimes ended with gun shots). Also there was a time when it was bordello. Now it is an upscale restaurant with several dining halls. One is for tourists,

another for your mother in law,

of course the bar for a ...

"special date".

and the main room which is not for the regular mortals. That's where we ate.

I haven't ate such an exquisite food in a long time. This restaurant is famous for aging their own meats and creating an incredibly sophisticated taste. The dinner was a true experience where your eyes and your taste buds are enjoying on the same level. 
Later we went out with my new friends from the theater to listen some bands 

and to make more friends.

I really enjoyed the intensity of my time in Las Cruces. I love my job! At end of the night i was ready to collapse and get ready for the new adventures.

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