Sunday, April 4, 2010

Corpus Christi TX

Before my flight to Texas i kissed good bye my cow girls. This one was overdosed on milk

and the milk supplier was ... hmmmm ... particularly delicious. I am definitely coming back.

Then jumped on the plane, passed through my surfing spot in Pismo Beach CA,

my home Grover Beach CA,

and landed in Corpus Christi TX which for my surprise was very tropical.

It is on the most southern part on the Gulf of Mexico. This is one of the places for the spring breakers. "Par-tay!!!". However the parties were already over.

I was a few days late ; (

In the morning i went to check out my venue. Not bad.

It was right on the Gulf.

When i got there i was astounded by the looks and acoustics. Wow!

This was definitely the best sounding hall and had a one of the top 3 pianos i ever played on this tour. The capacity was about 1200 and didn't need any mics. What a pleasure to play there.

I couldn't wait for the evening show. I got really hungry

and for lunch i did seafood galore including oysters.

The evening show went exceptionally well. After we had a party in Texan style: rowdy and lots of beers. Next day i was back on the plane to my cow girls. When i got to CA i looked fresh like nothing happened.

I am so innocent

; )

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