Saturday, April 10, 2010

El Paso TX day 1

11 hours of flights wore me down. Finally i reached a border town El Paso. It was weird to see Ciudad Juarez Mexico a mile away. I was advised not to cross the border. Drug wars are still there.

I stayed in the center of El Paso. After the long flight i wanted to relax meaning to go out and to have a beer.

I found a club where the band was about to play. When i ordered the beer i realized that i am the only one non-latin customer. I felt very special. Everyone looked at me and i looked back at them. I tried to avoid eye contact with guys with a lot of tattoos or twice bigger ones than me. The girls looked very feminine and fixed up for the friday night. The beers were $2. Everyone spoke spanglish. I liked it because i didn't feel left out.

So i was just sitting there and waiting for the band to start when 2 mexican girls and a 1 guy came to me and said "you look very lonely why don't you join our table?". The next moment we were sitting at the same table, listening to the latin rock band and becoming best friends. Everything happened so fast just in 2 hours after i landed in El Paso. They were students at the University of Texas El Paso from Ciudad Juarez. I felt if i was talking to my old buddies. I couldn't believe that they knew Mozart operas in details. They were talking about poetry, quoting some Argentinean philosophers, translating the songs of the band. They were interested in everything and we kept talking and talking.

Also the place was getting more wild. Everyone was screaming their lungs out singing latin rock songs with the band. Later the singer wanted to see the most wild table. It was enough to announce that when ... girls jumped on the tables and started to dance. Then balloons filled the club, later techno music exchanged the band and the energy was in the red zone.

Me and my new friends started to lose our voices because of the loudness. Even the beer didn't help. It was 1:30 am and time to go to the hotel anyway. On the way out the owner of the bar insisted for us to have a friendship tequila shots (on him). I was reluctant but i couldn't reject the friendship part. We said our good byes and maybe will see each other at my show tomorrow.

This was the only time when i needed my camera and i didn't have it. I forgot even my cell phone. Maybe it should stay that way - unreal. Pictures couldn't transmit the real atmosphere anyway.


  1. Rudolf,
    Hello, it was great meeting you. We had an amazing time at your concert, thanks for inviting us. There have been times where I have also forgotten my camera and wish I had it with me. But then I look back at those moments and remember. Memories will last a life time! But what about Saturday night, how many pictures did you take? We will always remember you and hope to see you again someday. Say hello to your wife and daughter from me. Talk to you soon.


  2. I was there Saturday night, and truly enjoyed your sense of humor and your talent on the keyboard. When you started talking about Hungarian Rhapsodies, I thought you'd play the standard one, #2, but to my delight you performed #6, which is my favorite. My hands are not big enough to handle the octaves, so I have to be content listening to others. Thank you for a wonderful evening, and congratulations on becoming a citizen and having a new baby!
