Thursday, April 22, 2010

Payson AZ

This is my last concert of the Tour! Will i be sad or relieved? Who knows.

While i was driving from Pheonix to Payson i was kind of numb. Driving is my routine. What else could impress me. Nature? I think i've seen all. However i didn't get over the cactuses yet. They are my favorite plants. I think that Arizona has the most character as a state. The cactuses

and red rocks

made my trip not boring at all.

During the drive i tried to engage myself into a special and spiritual state because it was my last concert. It didn't work. I think that i became a robot. I was doing my routine: driving, checking in at the hotel and looking for a restaurant that was still open @ 8 pm.

The hotel was a big surprise because it had the most beautiful alpine backyard and smelled like pine trees.

Next morning i encountered a big problem. I had a pimple on my forehead like a horn and there was no way that it will go away till the evening. The worst thing was that it was on the side of the audience.

Psychologically it was very hard. The only cure i could use it was my confidence. That was the plan for the day.

I was looking forward to the outreach concert however it was interrupted by technical malfunction and that broke the flow. After that children (who barely can sustain their attention) were on the loose. I have put a lot of energy and got ... not enough result.

I needed to refocus and recharge myself for the evening show.

Nature is the best for that.

I stayed there and stared at the rocks like samurai before the battle.

My chemicals were restored but it didn't help to the pimple. Actually it got even "juicier". Che vergogna! Besides the confidence it needed physical help. I decided to use powder ( i also felt like putting some eyeliner as well but left it for the next time). The hall was almost full. I could feel the energy of the people. They didn't know what is happening in my head. I was not a robot at that time. I wanted to give them the best show in their lives. I don't know if it was their best but i felt quite strong response from them. I played really really well. Good piano helped too. I was free and i didn't care about anything but ... the moment that i was in. It was my last.

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