Friday, April 9, 2010

Nashua NH day 2

Jet leg could mess you up! The night before i couldn't fall asleep till 4 am. Luckily i didn't have activities in he morning. So i just slept slept and slept. I needed to be fresh before i went on stage. My friends from student years in Lithuania came from Boston to the show. I was very excited. We didn't see each other for 12 years. What a pressure ; ) The show went very well. Many people. Maybe 900 or so. Very responsive crowd. I had a great time.

After we went out with my friends. Of course, we were the last people to leave the restaurant. It was so nice to reconnect with my "Soviet underground" roots which has no borders or tabu's. It felt good not to be PC and to speak in our slang with russian expressions! My people have very thick skin and witty approach to life that allows us to be free without caring about "sensitive" or "not nice" %^*&. There was a lot of laughter, beers and margaritas flying around.

Here we just starting. Danute (great opera singer, the nice one), Ginte (amazing pianist, the crazy one), moi (no comments) and Remis (pharmaceutical business, Ginte's hubby and the sane one).

BTW Danute and Ginte are mothers of 2 and 3 children but ... they left them with (?) spontaneously and came to the concert. They kept ordering more margaritas. You got to love them just for that. Long live mothers!!!

Here we are leaving ; ) (oh Ginte, stop trying)

On the way to hotel i was stopped by police. Luckily i had my lucky charm with me otherwise ...

my blogs wouldn't be here anymore ; )

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