Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mathews VA

Today i was already running late for my show. There was 4 hours of drive to Mathews VA if didn't get lost. OK, i got lost and missed my exit because i was blasting Kesha's top hit on the radio. My next exit was only 6 miles away. My poor GPS lady was screaming  probably her lungs out "EXIT EXIT EXIT you brainless piano player!" at 60% volume while Kesha was at 1000%. I almost got a speeding ticket but ... luckily i saw a police car at the right moment. 

BTW after all the driving around the country i got really good at spotting police on the road. Today i avoided 3 of them while ... "being in a hurry". I already have a feel where is their ambush. I learned how to hide from the radar and how to recognize them at night. Too much time on the road. I might as well learn something.

My detour wasn't that bad because i took short cut through the forest. Nice! 

.....hmmmmmmm ....... maybe not.

I was late so my sound check was very short. I was still warm from yesterday's concert. Good show but very stressful day. 

Back to blasting!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the arriva of Sofia!! I love her name. My grandmother's name was Ida Sophia. I hope you are home tonight holding her. That should cure your cold! I'll continue to follow your tours and "detours" down the highways.
    Sharon in Lexington, MO.
