Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Bern NC

Today's concert is 4 hours away. I don't look forward to driving across N Carolina. Yesterday was quite enough. Do i have a choice? At  least directions were easy. New Bern is on the east coast of N Carolina. Beautiful and historic town. I didn't have time for pictures or exploration because i arrived straight for the sound check. The tech and light options were very limited but the piano very good. I didn't spend much time for sound check. I went to rest for an hour to the hotel.

The concert was awesome: jam packed hall and the most fun audience (for my surprise). I am still sick and exhausted but the energy of the audience gets me going.  Next morning i was dead and still high from the NyQuil but the children concert at 9:30 am was one of the most exciting ones. Kids were very diverse and receptive. I left right after because i had a 5 hour drive to Virginia.

When i was approaching my destination the road became very nice. Even with my killer cold i could enjoy it.

I thought about Sofia all the time. 

I am almost there. Just across the valley

Wow! It looks like Lithuania.

I miss everybody not only Lily and Sofia. I miss my sister, my parents, my friends ... everybody. What am i doing here alone? Tomorrow i will be gone anyways. 

Time for NyQuil. .............. hmmmmmm ............. i love that stuff ; )

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