Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sofia's Birthday

I picked up the phone. It was Lily. Her contractions started. I couldn't believe that today a new era will start. However for me it will be very anti climactic because i am not there. I will be tortured by my own imagination for a few more days. 

That day i had 2 concerts plus 3 hour drive. I really had to concentrate on the road because my thoughts were somewhere else and the roads in Atlanta were confusing. I couldn't afford to get lost because i left exactly 3'5 hours before my first concert. 

I was about to start children concert when the phone rang and Lily told me that her water broke. I wanted to be with Lily and not on the stage. I tried to hide it as much as possible. At the end of the concert children came to me to get their programs signed and  to talk to me. I couldn't run away because news paper people were there too. I wanted to kill everybody especially moms who wanted one more picture with their children, with another ... and another .. flash didn't go .. then "i want just two of you" ... "just three of you" ... LET ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lily kept pushing and i was getting ready for the evening show. The venue was great but my energy very low. I was so tired and .. distracted. I was thinking about Lily. I was in the wrong place now. 

When i started to play all of a sudden i got this boost of energy. I decided to dedicate every note to my girls. I unleashed my demons and gave more than i had. At this moment i wanted to participate in the events that were happening in California. I wanted to attach myself emotionally and that was the only thing i could do . The hall and piano was perfect for that. Huge space and big sound. I made it roar. 

Intermission. Pretending that i am not in a hurry to check my messages. 

... nothing. It meant that everyone is busy and that might be it. 

The audience was ... almost ... no ... the proper way to say it would be ... the most shy i ever experienced. I played like tornado and response was ... clap clap ... clap ... cla ... p ... cl ... After the concert young guys told me the reasons. I didn't care because I was playing for my girls anyway. 

There was no encore (with that kind of enthusiasm?). I ran to check messages. There was one. It was Lily's sister saying that i am a papa. I jumped in the car and went to look for the bar. On the way i got Lily on the phone. That was incredible. In the background i could hear Sofia crying. I was laughing so much but at the same time my tears were running down my cheeks. I couldn't stop it. Estrogen was possessing me. I was making a thousand of u turns on the same street over and over. I didn't know what i was doing. When i got my consciousness back i found the first bar and dove in. It was the loudest and perfect bar. 

It was FAT TUESDAY. I ordered a triple whiskey and wanted to talk to someone but everyone was completely "wasted" 

It was only me and my thoughts there. I don't know if i was the happiest guy over there but definitely i was the most alive. The band played the song which from now on will be Sofia's song. 


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