Friday, January 29, 2010

Cody WY Day 1

Today my goal was to reach Cody WY alive. I slept only 1 hour and traveled 8 hours from Texas. Cody is tough place to reach because the flights are very complicated. The airplane i took from Denver was like ... Donald-Trump-went-broke airplane. There was 12 of us and we occupied almost all seats. The exterior was peeling off and there was no sink in the bathroom. The best was: the front seat passengers were asked to occupy back seats in order that  airplane could take off better. Everyone was making friends like if it was their last trip. I did too and i think i will see them at my concert on Sunday. 

I will stay in Cody for 3 days. The Cody concert association showed an incredible hospitality. They covered expenses of my hotel (suite with jacuzzi). Second, when Howard and Joane brought me to the hotel ... they pointed at Mercedes SUV and told me that it was for me to use it while i stay here. That's unheard!!! Now i will roll in Cody with class, ha ha ha

Then they took me to the Cody downtown which is just one street with wild west buildings around. 

"Kick ass cowboy cuisine" had not only the atmosphere but also great food. 

Howard had everything planned for me ; ) At night i had to be ready to go to another restaurant 

where the food was to die for and Bloody Marie fit the world standards. Howard obviously liked his second Margarita too. 

Joane went home and we with Howard finished the night at the famous "Bottoms up" bar.

Tomorrow Howard is taking me to the wild animal safari, then Cody museum and Sushi diner. Can't wait!  


  1. Quite and adventure! Looks like you are in your element, podner.

  2. Is that the Prez I see?

  3. I enjoyed the show Saturday so much. You are so talented and funny.
    I loved your blog on our unusual cold weather. I challenge you to come back when it is warm and do another concert.
