Friday, January 22, 2010

Goldsboro NC

Today was very dynamic day. In the morning i didn't take shower. I just packed, took coffee and left for Goldsboro. The drive was very relaxing. 

The coffee was working, the radio was blasting, the rain was pouring and i ... was not in a hurry. I absorbed everything around me. 

I usually do that where ever i am but this time i observed myself doing that. Soon today's upcoming events will destroy all of this. The life is always like that. Be aware when you enjoy things. Soon you will be in the dump (short or long term). I promise you. Its a rule (not mine). That's why i am afraid when things going smoothly for me. You might ask if i enjoy my low points. The answer is ... yes! They make me grow and the most importantly to THINK. Sometimes i take my brains for granted. Just like all of us ; ) BTW on the radio Kaiser Chiefs were singing their latest song  " its cool, 2 know nothing". That was a warning for me. 

In Goldsboro i checked in, took shower (you thought that will never will take it?) and left for outreach concert. The area looked a little frightening. I am not a wimp but i know when streets look bad. LA experience. At the school an upright piano was waiting for me. Ooooooo keyyyyyyyyyy?!?!? 

I didn't understand the spaces between students and also 

teacher's commands with the whistle which pierced my ears. I started my show with enthusiasm, 

tried to give all i could on this junky piano.

also tried to involve kids

however i felt that i was rejected. It never happened in my outreach concerts before.  

I was hating every minute but i didn't give up. 

The honkyness of the piano wasn't helping either. I felt that there was someone interested but they held back because it was "cool, 2 know nothing". At the end of each piece it was very annoying to hear teacher's claps louder than students. How nerdy! I was sweating. Of course its not students fault. It was me. I simply wasn't ready for them. I also didn't know their lingo therefore i couldn't earn their respect. I got spoiled by the student attention from nice schools. However the teachers were very sweet and helpful. This lady took pictures and this guy did the sound. The guy in red just tickled the ivories. 

To be honest, i was sooooooooooo happy to get the hell out of there.    

The night show had much better experience. First of all it was an amazing hall with a huge chandelier above the piano. 

Liberace time!

I had the best stage manager who took a good care of me. She made sure that i would go to the green room and eat before the show. So cute! 

The acoustics were excellent. Didn't need any miking. This theater was rebuilt 2 years ago after the movie theater burned. It was a new and shiny venue. Almost full. The audience couldn't be better. I am still amazed how dressy N Carolina's public is. Tomorrow is a ... heavenly day off.  

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