Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Alpena MI

Michigan was gorgeous! Since i drove and K was sleeping i found an excuse to stop and enjoy the nature.

The autumn did amazing wonders.

I realized that for me it is necessary to experience the change of seasons. If i don't, then it seems that i loose a great spectrum of emotions produced by all these changes. I want to see the nature die ...

... and later to enjoy its rejuvenation. I want to shovel the snow and not go to the damn gym. California makes me anemic. Its seems that people who go through the changes of the seasons are more flexible. Alpena MI was the cutest little town. Everything was done tastefully and the people were beautiful. The concert for the high school kids was the most enjoyable experience. I talked with them about romance, played some music from Twilight and of course my "top hits". 

At the end i had standing ovations at the ... high school. That's unheard of!!! The afternoon was for business and pre concert naps. Someone managed to combine both.

I couldn't be in better mood on the way to the show. 

The sound check was short because the hall had great acoustics and didn't need any improvements.

The most time we spent doing some adjustments in the ceiling in order for me to make a dangerous acrobatic maneuvers. My plan was to fly above the stage and to land in front of the piano.

Everything worked perfectly.

I am alive and ready for new adventures.

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