Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lancaster OH

It is scary that there are some days which are full of events but they are erased from memory immediately. I wonder if my hard drive is too full of information. Sometimes i feel that i lose perception of what is important. There are so many events of the same sort following each other that they seem to change only the names and dispose the previous ones. It is funny that i know what will happen tomorrow. I just don't know how it will look and how will it sound. Next day the same but new. I never in my life experienced such a prolonged routine. I sound so cliche. I sound like any corporate soldier. It is not true. I love my life! It couldn't be better. This tour is an indulgence of the moment and the change.

"hey kid, you don't even know what life is planning for you. you gonna die just like the rest of us. somebody with music and somebody without it. its all in your hands".

its worth to try it


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