Thursday, October 8, 2009

Minot ND

The day off was dedicated for vegging in the hotel all day: meals in the room, facebooking, youtubing, emails and TV. However the evening turn into yoga and going out to Minot's downtown. In one of the stores we found out that the rodeo is tonight. Well i had to get ready. This one?
or this one?

Fashion advisor voted for the white one ... of course

Still couldn't decide and left for rodeo. There were many people. Some of them had problems getting tickets.

My first rodeo experience was unforgetable. I didn't go to see competing cowboys. I went to see people. It made me to appreciate american culture much better. I was really moved by being among these people. I felt unity between them. The rodeo started with the patriotic songs and the ritual of the flag. I guess that is a reminder of their identity just like every other culture has their own. 

I really admired the cowboy camaraderie 

whether they were riding horses, hanging out or drinking beer.  

The show was amazing. 

Some of them got their (...) kicked very badly. I was glad that i am a pianist. 

hey partner, stretch harder!

there will be a lot of eyes on you!

I am sure that i will see all of them at my concert tomorrow ; )

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