Saturday, October 3, 2009

Idaho Falls ID

Today was one of the most difficult days on the tour: check out, 2 hours drive from Burley to Idaho Falls, master class and the concert at night. From early morning i felt horrible: tired, weak, nauseous, dehydrated, cranky (poor K).  Sounds like post party syndromes. Unfortunately NO! I got scared because if i get sick then ... i don't even know what would happen. So, new hotel check in and ran to the master class where everybody were already waiting for us. There were really good teenage piano players. They inspired me to dive into music.

Here adrenaline starts kicking in.

A little more.

Here i am more like myself

I also played and had ... very tough critics. No reading between the lines here.  

After the master class there was lunch and getting ready for the evening concert. The concert hall was really nice. It will be very difficult to match  new Steinway D quality like in Burley ID. I played on a good Kawai. It was perfect for the 1000 seat theater. The sound and light guys did really good and fast job. 

"Ms. Stage Helper"  looked very collected and silent.  However her very loud walks during performance in the backstage (right behind my back) and rudeness before the show added some character to her unpredictable personality. I also had an EMERGENCY. 15 min before my performance i realized that i left my tux shirt at the hotel. My blood went to my head. Thanx to the bestest/fastest/smartest tour manager K and small town distances my shirt was there 1 min before i had to be on the stage. Imagine if it was big city and ... if i left my tux pants. Ooooohhhhh ... exciting!!! I was happy that i was dressed on stage and had a lot of adrenaline during performance

At the CD signing i found out that there were many musicians from my master class. I was very delighted to see them again and chat a little bit. After the show the concert association members took us for a dinner. We all had drinks and good conversation but i was running on the last reserves of my energy. When we got back to the hotel there was a big karaoke party going at the bar. Our instincts told us: LETS GO!!! but Keeth and i we just looked at each other waiting for the answers. Our eyes were sad. The long day did its damage to us. We went up and collapsed.   

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