Thursday, October 15, 2009

Bolivar MO

Today was the hardest day of our schedule: 3 hours of drive, concert for the high schoolers, master class at the university and the concert in the evening. The GPS lady took us through the smallest roads from Kansas to Missouri. They were gorgeous!  

The gloomy autumn weather made our ride spectacular through the lonely ranches

 and One Stop Light/One Cowboy towns.

We were very excited about our drive. When we got to Bolivar we went to work right away. The high school concerts are always a challenge because i always have to improvise. Never know who will be there and how to engage students. At the end i invited everyone for the pic and didn't realize that i broke the organization for them to leave the hall. It was worth to break the rules (as always) ha ha ha 

In the middle of the fun session Keeth reminded me to put my "game face" on and took me to the university for the master class. 

I had a great time there too because piano students were excellent and we did a lot of discoveries (at least i thought so). Next run was to the hotel to grab my tux and go to get ready for the concert. With K's help we are always on time and ready to rock. 

although green rooms can get boring.

The concert went well

CD signing is not the end of the show yet

(oh, one more)

This is the end of the show ; )

1 comment:

  1. Mix one little girl in rapt attention with Lithuanian cowboy in tuxedo and wide brim hat = priceless
