Friday, November 13, 2009

Brownwood TX

I really enjoy driving through Texas.  

Every little nuance on the road makes it more dynamic and thought provoking.

Being in this environment you start appreciating the lifestyle that you see and the one that you have. Even if they are so different they both excite me. I always adapt well. I love changes. Each time i want to integrate and to experience new myself. Very often we think that we are free and open but when the situation comes we fail to prove it. My goal in life is to die loving the North and the South relying on my own powers. I hope that it is possible. We will see ; ) The only thing that i am prejudice against and can't open my mind to is the "PHONINESS". I think that we use it to hide our insecurities, jealousy, hate, fear, stupidity and etc. Why would we waste ourself on this type of communication unless we need to get something from somebody? I try to exercise not using it by choosing situations where i don't have to be phony or if i have to then i leave or "b" slap with reality. I am sick of wasting my life on grotesque relationships. Actually Texans are quite open people. I like them a lot.

The concert for children was extremely challenging because i had to deal with ages 3-15. Its impossible for me to talk 3 different languages at the same time. 

The most fun was to have this guy on stage

He was my accompanist while i sang Celine Dion songs. 

Nobody left untouched. C'mon you can't go wrong with Celine Dion ... especially in french. 

At 7:30 pm i was off ... 

to do my favorite thing

and finished the night at the local bar resuming very hard day and drinking beer ... alone. 

1 comment:

  1. Where was keeth? I thought he drank with you after the shows!
