Friday, November 6, 2009

Kokomo IN

It is interesting that i live my days in chunks: days in X town, days off, driving days, non student concert days, big city days, Texas days ; ) etc. I do not count my life in single days. Since i left on tour i don't know the days of the week nor do i care about them. I don't even know where i am going next until i get to the car and Keeth looks at the schedule. Also i look very absent minded when people ask me where i was 2 days ago because i hardly can remember. 

I think that the days of the week puts us in a certain routine of expectations and organize our mind. We are happy not to think what we do Wed at 3;15 pm and just go by the autopilot. Our life turns into a digital routines. So does our conversations because we are already speak in pre formulated sentences and topics. A while ago i started to observe people and noticed that 97 % communicate (s0 to speak) on exchange of information: football scores, names of the players, flight informations, how many flowers died in the garden last week, doctors appointments, niece's birthdays, kitchen remodeling, and the endless other ... This way we disengage ourselves from any personal involvement and attack our listener with formulas which protects us from any thinking. If i am trapped in this type of communication i just leave or better ... become i short circuit. Then the fun begins!!! Then "robots" have to switch their buttons into something different and are forced to improvise. Most of the times not. Then i feel lonely.

Well, i dont't know what day of the week is today. Its irrelevant in my present life anyway. When i came to Kokomo (weird name) i had a free day and i spent it very productively. I went to bed at 3 pm and stayed in that heavenly position till next morning. That morning the concert for kids was at 9:30 am. I didn't mind that early time because i have put pretty good mileage on my sleep. Slowly i started my propellers 

and then ... landed for smooth sailing through the crowd

looking for the Answers.

and i found them. My brief stops revealed that we were not born as "robots"! We become ones later. 

My trip in the crowd was a good warm up. They could see from up close who i am. I could stay there talking with them all day. They were funny and had million answers for me. As always i finished the show with my version of Beethoven's 5th.

The show in the evening was at the same venue. It was packed.

After the concert i gave an interview to the most interesting journalist from University paper. He had really good questions and was in touch with life. Usually after concert i just want to go to my hotel and rest but this time i wasn't in a rush. We had many interesting things to talk about. 

Also this teenage girl had interesting things to say about music.  She came with her mother to the post concert reception and was very confident talking to adults until ... other "adult" came and interrupted our conversation with forced friendliness. It was time for me to go. 

Here is was another day full of random conclusions.

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