Monday, November 23, 2009

New Iberia LA

It is a last day of this madly long tour leg. I am done for a moment. Tomorrow flying home. I feel weird. The endings usually have big bangs but this time ... i didn't have one. The life pulled out another trick on me and turned my excitement upside down. Or maybe it gave me another kind?

My celebratory concert was hmmmmmmm ... ahhhhhhhhh ... hmmmmmmmmmm i don't know what to say. OK there was almost no people. Maybe 40 in 300 seat hall. It was pathetic. I got spoiled by the audiences on this tour. Today i tried to fill the venue with energy but there was too much empty space. It was hard. The last day and ... no big bang? Now i am packing and feel strange. I feel very excited to go home to my girls but at the same time i feel some emptiness. For me its hard to take endings. Yes, i know its not an end. Its just a middle of my adventures but still its hard to stop the stimulation of constant changes. Actually that's what i like about my life. I always need to be in action. Always! I would hate vacations in Caribbean with lazy beaches and the ocean without waves.

Today in the late afternoon we went to look for a place to have a lunch. Yesterday Keeth had frog legs and 

today was eager for more but today was a problem. One restaurant didn't have food anymore (?), another wasn't open on mondays and the third had so so food but great service. The waitress/bartender was the nicest southern girl who didn't need small and boring talk in order to have a conversation.

Next to us we had a fun company except their lunch consisted of more fun menu than ours.
On the way out the doorman showed us our way out. Great service! 

Since we had a little bit of time we took a drive around the town. There was something about the humidity, the vegetation 

(can you hear crickets?)

and the architecture. 

I never experienced this combination. It felt quite romantic but very foreign for me. I think it was America that i know so little about.

Unfortunately our rendezvous was very short. I had to get ready for my ... grand show

and Keeth for huge crowds 

Here they are.

I didn't care and tried to give a good time for those who came.

Some of them drove for 2 hours to get to the concert. 

This is it! 

I am sad and excited. 

My next news will be about ... Brunhilda ; ) 


  1. i hope this is not the end of your blog

  2. Buy a FRISKIE for Brunhilda as gift from Spain

  3. Goood job Rudolf. Your cenrtal coast home town family is ohh so proud of you, we miss you, our local star. Now come home and lend some of your magic to the stage of the CPAC.

