Thursday, November 19, 2009

Kilgore TX

Kilgore TX is an oil town which was very vibrant until the oil wells dried out in 1983. In these towns the audiences are usually smaller more quiet. In order to get their reactions i have to work triple hard but now i am at the end of my first half of the tour and i am extremely tired. I am counting my days already: there are 4 days and 3 concerts left.   

Yesterday was my day off. I went to see Michael Jackson movie and also the famous in this area country music club. It was real deal there: lots of line dancing and Bud light. I didn't get blue eyes. Yeah! 

When i got back to the hotel i had a chat with concierge who was very bored at her desk.  

Next morning was a concert for the kids ... at 9 am. These monsters woke me up very quickly. 

I tried to get something out of this ... upright piano.

At the end i was very energized and satisfied with one more victory against children ; ) Following that we were taken to the one of the concert organizer's home for breakfast. It was a true old America experience: the hospitality, the food and the conversation. 

The night concert was my concern. 

Does it look if i am attending my own funeral?

All of a sudden ... out of nowhere ... a Fairy Lady landed next to me and told me to play Fur Elize.

She didn't mention anything about my hat.

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