Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lexington MO

Lexington wasn't really what i expected. First there weren't any real hotels so we decided to stay 12 miles away from the town next to the freeway. Romantic! There was nothing around. Just plains and us. It was time for lunch and we were totally in the boonies. We tried the closest town Higinsville but there wasn't any hope there.

We decided to go for anthropological experience and to go to the most "attractive" restaurant or cafe that we see on the road. This time the color red was attractive. How predictable. 

How versatile is this place! We can get live bait here as well (not for lunch). We were greeted by everybody's looks. I guess our fashions were a little different.

We followed our waitress to cross through the labyrinths in order to get to the patio in the back. I thought that she is taking us somewhere to the back in order to get rid of us. However it looked quite charming. The menu was very challenging tho. We got used to have at least some choice of healthy meal. Not there. Lots of BBQs, lots of ribs of all kinds with names like "Piglet", "Fat pig", "3 meat bucket" etc... What to choose? A bucket of meats?

I almost never eat ribs but since i was on the exploration quest it seemed that it was the thing to do. I ordered ribs which were smoked downstairs on their own grills. Hrrrrrrrrrrr! (please don't look at my pinky ; ) I so don't know how to eat them.

The ribs were the best i ever tried! The side dish ... hmmmmmm?????????

The lady next to us ordered an appetizer chips. They were huge and very attractive. When they brought them i reacted with gasp from fascination. She was so friendly that she even offered me to taste them. I did and even took a pic. She was a little shy in front of the camera. The girls didn't show much trust to us. 

All this time i acted as a tourist in order to have license to stare at everything and to take pics. At the end everybody from the kitchen came to see us and to hear that accent. They were very friendly. I praised their ribs and took some for to go too. The chef was proud. It was very exciting because our fear and cautiousness turned into friendly goodbyes. I invited them to the concert but they had to work. I offered them to ditch the work but they didn't go for it.

The next event was the show at night. I was a little afraid because of ... those ribs and the live bait ; ) The concert took place in the Military Academy built in the 1800's. When we got there it was dark and we couldn't see the town but it was enough to see that it was very old and historic. When i saw the venue i had really good feeling. I was transported into a different historical period of America. There were many students with military uniforms on campus. Some of them sneaked in the hall to listen my warm ups. I purposely gave them a good show. The hall held around 400 seats. That's small on this tour however i felt extremely good. There was something that inspired me but i didn't know what. I think it was the old American spirit. 

My green room was very improvised.

Also i was very curious who will be my audience tonight but

couldn't tell until i stepped on the stage. 

The connection with the audience was instant. They were laughing their hears out and i had the best time. Usually i choose few people to come on the stage and play with me. One of the ladies was the city prosecutor. I know how to choose a ... female attorney ; ) I didn't have an idea whom i was bossing around on stage. No wonder audience was laughing so hard.

But the climax of the day was the post concert reception at the one of the board member's house. I am not a big fan of Victorian houses but this was shocking. The elegance and the quality was of the highest class. Everything was refurbished and kept the original style of the 1800's. The most important that it didn't feel like museum. It was natural and not overdone.  

Many people came to this reception just to look at the house even if they were not at the concert (cheaters!) This house is talk of the town in Lexington. Not everyone gets invited. "Howdy!"

The table was served with amazing foods in Luis XIV style.

I kept my cowboy image. Thats how i get respect from America (before i open my mouth).

The journalists were chasing me at the party expecting that the wine will start talking. Sorry but ... i need a lot of this before i start to "talk". 

Here is the attorney (in the middle) who was in my "band".

do i have something on my tux? ... ha ha ha 

The lady on my right was also in my "band". She is very cool and quick with the answers but on the stage she froze. People said that they couldn't recognize her on stage. Yea!!! Its fun to torture my audience ; ) The lady in pink "got her in trouble" and volunteered her to play. They are tough and fun ladies. 

The people were extremely nice and open. Who could think that such a small town in Missouri can be so lively and fun. Thanx Lexington i had a good time!


  1. Live bait AND ribs???? I would not have gone in there. Goes to show how open and curious nature conquers all.
    Lexington will be talking about that fun guy with the strange accent who plays piano like a whirlwind for a while methinks.

  2. Rudolf rocks! You are welcome in Lexington (Missouri) anytime.


  3. Hi Rudolph,
    I was as the concert, and it was SUPER!!! What a pianst you are - and so funny, too! I took piano lessons for 8 years starting when I was 6 years old and still play and play the organ at my church, so I can really appreciate all your years of practicing!!! I bought your CD and listen to it all the time in the car.

    Too bad that you did not see Lexington during the daytime. This town has many beautiful old ante-bellum homes built before the Civil War. A Civil War battle took place here, and there is still a cannonball in one of the pillars in the court house. The court house is the oldest one in use west of the Mississipi River.

    Good luck on the rest of your tour and seeing so much of our beautiful country. Loved you in the cowboy hat!!!
