Monday, November 16, 2009

day off in Arkansas

It was the usual routine of laziness (breakfast, TV in bed, nap) with one exception. The walk.  In the afternoon i found strength to get up and ... left to the woods of Arkansas. 

Of course the sign told me where to go.

Since i was alone i felt like turning deeper into the woods for camouflage .

It was really good to be in the wilderness.

I heard some noises there and that worried me a little. If i was in Lithuanian forest i would have been fine but here ... in Arkansas. Also i was not ready to die from the hunter's bullet. I started to whistle a semi happy song with occasional stops. Luckily a hunter wasn't there. I think that the scary sound was coming from there.  

I left this place quickly because for once i didn't want to interact. 

It was so great to be in the moment and observe everything around. I forgot who am i and what am i doing here. 

After 2 hours of disappearance from the world i was ready to go back. 

During the lunch the older waitress was interested in where i was from. After i told her then she growled with her raspy voice "where the hell is that?". I invited her to the concert and arranged for her 2 free tickets. I guess i will see her tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you are still in your black cowboy hat! is that the real Rudolf?
    ....And exactly how old was that "older" don't answer.
