Monday, November 9, 2009

El Dorado KS

First of all you suppose to pronounce it El Dough-Ray-Dough. Second to be very open. 

It was one of the hardest days on this tour. We drove for 3.5 hours in the morning. Arrived right before the concert and after the show drove to the next destination for 4 hours. Wow! Speaking about the shapes of our bottoms!

We were still on a high from unexpected experience in Lexington. Soon it was over. The atmosphere during the sound check was quite thick. Lots of opinions about what should i do. Well, i am not the one to be poked before the show. I had to cut the tension with the knife. It worked. 

The concert was at the different pace. I really like the Steinway. It had a potential to be an excellent one. The audience seemed to be more reserved and more quiet with some exceptions. They front rows were empty. I didn't take it personally ; )

I am not too crazy about the 3 pm shows because it doesn't have that magic like the shows at night. What do you do when you finish at 5 pm. Too early to party and too late to start anything else. Well i had my beer anyway. It was good thing that i did because i tried to get some beers on the road for later. No luck because some Kansas counties or towns DO NOT SELL BEER ON SUNDAYS. Wow! That was a surprise. Had to open my mind. However I found one anyways. Keeth had hidden in the trunk. That is a good road manager! 10 points.     

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