Sunday, September 27, 2009

Boise ID

since the morning i didn't feel well. I was tired, cranky and not inspired. The concert supposed to be at night in Boise. Short but torturous drive. The sun was on my side and made things worse. At the restaurant perky hostess asked how do we enjoy the sun. Well, i told my most sincere answer. She didn't go for other question. Thank God! The hotel that we stayed was the best so far. Keeth was like a "business shark" in his own office.

The waiting for 5 pm coffee  already "adjusted my chemicals".

On the way to the show we were escorted by police cars. The city was very excited about our arrival.

but ... where is everyone??? ... to our disappointment the door of the venue looked very lonely. There was still 2 hours to show time.

The hall was fantastic. It had the world standard acoustics. You could hear every whisper on the stage.  

The concert Steinway that was rented for the show felt like butter. During rehearsal I couldn't detach myself from the instrument and the great sounding stage. Wow!!! 

The hall was almost full. That affected the acoustics and the ... CD sales (ha ha ha). I was very excited to give my best. 

I love love loved it!!! After the show we returned to the hotel and planned to celebrate at the hotel's bar however ... hmmm .....our room seemed to be safer ; )

Bloody Mary's tasted heavenly! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a great concert last night in Boise. I brought my 12 and 8 year old - you captivated them and me the entire night.

    Thanks also for inspiring other youngsters at your upcoming visit to West Jr. High.

    Very memomrable night for my two piano students. You made piano very cool
