Sunday, September 20, 2009

on the way to Montana

Morning. Very fast push ups and sit ups. The goal was to leave the "chernobyl" ("no-tell motel" room) ASAP. On the way Keeth saved the life of the grasshopper. Two days ago i saved spider's now was Keeth's turn. He removed the cute jumpy thing from the room to outside. I was cracking up because K was trying not to touch the floor with his hands. The grasshopper gave him a hard time but K accomplished his mission. Go K! When we peeled off from "chernobyl" we saw this:

Kellogg is very small silver mining town. When we got the restaurant for brunch everybody in there turned to look at us. It was flattering and safe to be among the people who were there right after the church. Keeth ordered this (watch carefully, there is gravy on his bizkit):

Look at that face. Do you see any guilt in there? I don't.

The concert was a little bit different from the ones that we had lately (1200 seat halls with great lighting and excellent pianos). In fact i really enjoyed today's because i was there for the heartland of America. My goal was to come to them as close as possible. And i did.

I am there for people!!! 

After the concert we felt like winners. It was time to leave Idaho. We didn't cry.

The drive to Montana was the best drive ever on this tour. It took 3 hours and quite dramatic changes of the nature. I am in love with Montana. So gorgeous and natural!!!  

Also I needed a little time to reflect. Keeth rolled his eyes. I did not appreciate that.

Kalispell really excited us. It looked like the real city. It had many streetlights, Home Depot, Toyota dealer, restaurants, nice hotels etc. In the dark we could not see much but felt like very nice city. We landed at the Holiday Inn. What a feeling! Here K looks like real Montana man with all these purple and pink shirts.

I am ready for a fine lifestyle for couple of days.


  1. Its good luck to save the life of a grasshopper. Beautiful photos. Love the humor!
    Keep it coming.

  2. Can cats go on tour?

  3. glad you fell in love with montana. its amazing. :)
