Friday, September 11, 2009

Roseburg OR

wow! Today was the best! The acoustics were incredible. 1100 seat hall sounded awesome!!! Great Steinway. The hall was almost full and ... i played pretty good. It felt really great. I love my Job!!! It is the best in the world!!! The organizers were very elegant and nice. Tomorrow is the day off. It means request for late check out, waffles in the morning, back to bed for a nap and get on the road to the next city on the coast Coos Bay. I think we are going to have a really beautiful drive there. Oregon is fantastic. Completely different feel from CA. People are less syrupy. Love that. The only thing that sucks is the heat. Can't stand it. Its in 90 ies. I was so excited to get here and have some rain and cloudy days. No! The heat is following me. I need darkness! I need mystery! I am vampire and can't help it.   


  1. When are you coming to San Diego?? I promise to order up some dark dreary weather for you...

  2. dreary SD? no wayyyyyyy ... maybe till afternoon ... and then? you just trying to trick me. i know you! you are very smart ; )
