Saturday, September 19, 2009

on the way to Idaho

Today is the day off. 6 hours of driving to Idaho. The the road was gorgeous. 

But very quickly changed into this

and my ecstasy quickly dissolved.  The only way to fix it was Starbucks. But where? 


Soon our taste buds where drowned in coffee late/lungo/drivo/in deserto/bored to deatho

But the climax was the hotel in Idaho known as "red light district town" which was kept in secrecy until 1988. I had no idea about the fame of this town! On internet looked ok but in reality ... ??? ... needed 10' pole. The room also has 2 entrances. 1 to the front and the other to the alley. Hmmmmmm? Here i am disinfecting the room.

God help us for at least for 12 hours.  


  1. I stumbled upon this blog and I find the tour fascinating. However, could you tell us what music you are playing? When I was a child my mother took me to a series of music concerts every year. I remember hearing so much different music that it has never left me. I studied piano for years. So I feel some satisfaction about so many parents taking the children to hear you play.

  2. you may hear me on youtube. also the big part is the interaction with the audience. thanx for you interest. the adventure will continue ; )

  3. I will buy you a bottle of lysol for christmas.
