Friday, September 18, 2009

Shelton WA

Keeth and i we had a very innocent breakfast at the hotel however one redneck didn't like us. I wonder was it Keeth or me? The outreach class for high schoolers was improvised and very fun. I love playing and talking with them.

The afternoon was a little weird because ... the tour manager (no names) took the longest nap in the afternoon and i was booking hotels and getting frustrated before the show. When he woke up he was rested and had red cheeks while i was exhausted. But the moment i put my tux on before the show i was wired. The hall looked great! It was full and had a great energy from the crowd. Enjoyed! Mr. Tour Manager took great pics and almost got in trouble for going to unauthorized places. See photos.

Pretty crazy isn't it? He claims that he risked his life for me. Yea right! I think that he felt guilty for his afternoon ; ) Here are some more:

 After the show there was some madness going on. People were buying CDs and lining up for signing them:

At one point there was a bunch of high school girls who were asking me to sign CDs, postcards, their shoes and even ... their jeans. The jeans made me to hesitate but then ... "what the hell" I went for it. Who new that Shelton will be such a mob scene. 

1 comment:

  1. i was one of the chaperones, you can acctuly see me next to the kid with the mohawk in the top right. i thought yu played very well and i enjoyed your show alot. thank you for coming to shelton
