Thursday, September 10, 2009

Medford OR

wow what a day! Like always we got up early, had hotel breakfast and ... back to bed for a nap. Then drove to Medford and did some business errands in the 90F heat. That really exhausted me. I was a little worried about my performance but when I saw the venue I was ready to go and do the job 100%. It was very nice and modern 700 seat hall. I sold 650. Not bad for a Tuesday night! Here is the letter from the audience member that he send me the same night: 
Good Evening Mr. Budginas,

I took my daughter to see your performance tonight, and wanted to extend my personal thanks and congratulations to you on a stellar evening. Margaux is nine and she has been taking lessons since she was four. She has always loved music and her lessons have always been set to be taught in a fun & easy going manner, however I've been strict in telling her that before she can "change" a song, she must learn to play it the way it was written. I cannot tell you how THRILLED she was to see you "noodle" the compositions tonight. She was quite disappointed that she couldn't get down to the stage (we were in the balcony) for your Carmen piece. (I think I caught her just before she yelled out, "I have rhythm! - could you imagine that being hollered from a nine year old hanging off the balcony waving frantically?! I guess that would have been a sight!) I told her she'd have to wait till next time. 

I think what you are doing is absolutely wonderful and I cannot wait to take Margaux to see you again. Cheers and safe travels home to California. 

very exciting!!! I live for that!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these beautiful moments with the rest of us. Congratulations on your success! I can't wait to see Rudolf performing in my little town, Dayton.
    My love to you both.
    Mom/nonna Connie
