Monday, September 28, 2009

on the way to Elko NV

the concerts at 10 am are hard for musicians. Today i performed for junior high schoolers. They can be challenging. Some teachers don't like dealing with the tween's atitudes. Me? I like them. I love punks and rebels. They are my kind!!!  Today we had a rocking classical show and Keeth was the best paparazzo as always.

It was at the gymnasium. The acoustics could be really mean there. Not today. Amplified piano and great lighting were a great addition to the energy that unexpectedly possessed me (in the morning?). 

I also played piano ; )

sometimes under the accompaniment of djembe.

Students were so "psyched" and so was i. 

The principal of the school (on my right) and Roger from Concert Association (on my left) are taking good care of their school district. The organization was exceptional.

Then we changed oil of the car and hit the road. Next stop is Elko NV. What a long way. All of a sudden Keeth got interested in classical music history. That was the best time killer (for me). Then i tested him with classical radio. He got "B +" and we stopped to look at the Devils Bowl. When i saw this i almost got a heart attack from beauty.

and then the Devils Bowl started to pull me down. I needed help

so did Keeth. He used "crisis hotline". 

"Thank you ma'am! We are both still safe. Yes yes we will leave immediately and go to Elko. Thanks again!"

Here i felt safe. 

The road was very long for obvious reasons.

We almost stopped by Beverly Hills for a drink but ... we changed our mind. 

Tomorrow is the concert. We better rest.  

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