Monday, September 14, 2009

Salem OR

yesterday was a tough day of traveling and changing roadies. I had to say good bye to Lily. I won't see her for 2 month. Here are both roadies during the "changing of the guard". The new roadie Keeth Hershman flew in to Oregon from SLO. We will be "partners" for the next 2 month. He is very easy to "roll" with. Also we both are expecting babies in February. What about that?

Well, today i played in the most spectacular 1300 seat hall with the most incredible acoustics and really amazing piano. How much better it can get?

I didn't really think that i will be playing in a such amazing venues like this. The people of small towns are very proud of their cultural activities. They also can be funny and ... weird. But that makes the whole experience to be even more interesting. Today with Keeth we had very funny moments. Now we do our stuff on laptops and having an amazing "6 Sense" Syrah (a gift from Lodi presenters)
These are the details of the lobby and the hall ceiling.

and here i am during signing CD's with visitors form Japan who came to the concert.


  1. We really enjoyed your concert last night in Salem, Oregon! We brought our 10 year old son who is learning to play the piano. I think it inspired him, because he talked non stop about the concert, all the way home. Thank you for playing for us!

    The Telfer Family
    My God Given Mission Field

  2. We attended the matinee children's concert and my children were completely captivated by you! Their interest in music was boosted by your wit and music! Thank you for giving of your time and talent- rest assured it's never wasted at any venue!
    Best wishes on the rest of your tour!
    ~The Freeman Family
