Wednesday, September 30, 2009

on the way Burley ID

This morning i got FB message about yesterdays show. 

"Thanks so much for sharing your talent and humor with the crazy geologists, cowboys and ranchers in Elko last night!"

As i see this was a "real" crowd. No wonder i liked them. 

Today's shock was the ... snow. I couldn't believe it! Keeth wanted to make a snow man but i didn't think that it was a good idea. We didn't have time for that. We had a 4 hours drive to Idaho.

 The road in Nevada was amazing! We saw the most impressive views on this tour.

This type of the road inspires for the endless stories so K talked ; ) I am a good listener. When K stopped talking i offered him to make that snow man over there 

but K didn't show interest anymore. So we kept going until we reached Burley ID. We were very happy to enter reception desk. Our hotel rocked! 

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