Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ontario OR

yesterday was day off. Driving in the boring desert to Ontario OR

and resting all day. I still can't believe that Oregon has a desert. Ontario is right in the middle of it.  The heat is following me. I do not enjoy it at all. In the heat the world looks empty and very shallow. I closed my curtains and stayed inside until the darkness came to the desert. Much better! Next day a concert and the master class were waiting for us. The master class was improvised because i didn't really know what to expect. It went really well. Here is the feedback from one of the participants:
    I want to thank you particularly for this morning's workshop in Ontario, Oregon. You gave me much inspiration as a teacher: gave me points in which to improve as a teacher, and helped me see the things I am doing that are right and good for my students. I am the gal who was showing the piano to some children as you first came on stage. I am a Musikgarten teacher, with my private studio here in Ontario. Musikgarten is very much comparable to how you learned, with singing much solfeggio, helping students to first develop a musical ear, and then to sight read (a must!), and teaching piano in group classes. In this country it feels like I'm swimming up river against the traditional methods of teaching, but I press on! Thank you, thank you, for giving the workshop and for your teaching efforts! ( And, btw, I deserved the 'F' grade! Kids must learn to think!)    

During the master class I was myself. I even gave an "F" for the teacher who tried to help student in order for him to look smarter. That's her letter above ; ) After the master class i was sooooooooo awake! I also was a little nervous because the Steinway felt not powerful enough for the hall. I poured my heart out to Keeth in the car and he called me an "annoying and wining %#@ ". He was right. I love having him around and we don't need shrinks ... yet. At night when we came for the sound check  we improved (cheated a bit) the piano sound.  

The change into tuxedo always helps me to get in the mood. The concert went great. I felt like in my own living room. 

At the end i always enjoy people and signing CDs. 

Another city and another concert is over. Boise OR is next. Can't wait for the new experience


1 comment:

  1. It was in the 90s here as well, I'm praying for fall weather.
